A maze so different!

via Daily Prompt: Maze

At the sound of sweet chirps

I wake up at the heralding of dawn

Through the blinds the sun kisses my cheeks

Reminding me, just like she would


Late for work I race to get dressed

A heap of clothes, what do I wear?

I struggle to find a neatly set pair

But she isn’t there to select the tie


Turning on the ignition I floor the accelerator

Switch on the radio to keep thoughts at bay

Her favorite song blasts in my ears

As I feel the void by the empty seat beside


To immerse in work I turn on my computer

Emails from clients overflow my inbox

Only a single name that my eyes focus on

That which was part and parcel of my breath


Confused and frustrated I take to the park

The greenery would definitely reduce my stress

School children filled the park with joy

Draped in her favorite cherry red color


The moon has risen and shining bright

Round like your face without the scars

I take a deep breath and get to bed

Covering the sheets sans your form


Alas, I stand in the middle of your world

Every molecule in the air reminds me of you

A maze so real with only one exit

That exit that leads me to you


3 Comments Add yours

    1. Vijay says:

      Thanks 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You’re welcome 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

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